Product Import Field List
I don't know why the following isn't available publicly somewhere.
Please verify that you have the fields below in the following order in your CSV document. Also, be sure to check your documents for any of the restrictions listed.
Field Column Req. Value Req. Specifications Product ID Always No The productID column must be included in your import file, but may be left blank unless you want to update a product's name. (Leave blank if you are creating a new product) Name Always Yes Max: 150 characters For variation products, put the desired master/parent product name first and then list your variation group and the option for that group using a semicolon (;) to separate those and pipe (|) to separate the product and each option. (ie. Variation Master| Size| Large; Color| Red;) Short Description No Max: 255 characters Long Description No Part Number No Max: 50 characters Quantity In Stock No Min: -9,999,999 Max: 99,999,999 Unlimited Stock No TRUE or FALSE (defaults to FALSE) Automatically included on exports if Quantity in Stock is selected. Reorder Level No Min: 0 Max: 99,999 License Option No TRUE or FALSE (defaults to FALSE) Only applies to E-Products Download Limit No Min: 0 Max: 99,999 Only applies to E-Products Instructions No Only applies to E-Products License Keys No Only applies to E-Products. Separate individual keys using semicolons (;). Store Cost No Min: 0.00 Max: 999,999.99 Customer Price New Products Yes Min: 0.00 Max: 999,999.99 MSRP No Min: 0.00 Max: 999,999.99 Handling Cost No Min: 0.00 Max: 999,999.99 Minimum Order Quantity No Min: 1 Max: 99,999 Maximum Order Quantity No Min: 0 or min. order qty. Max: 99,999 Weight Major No Min: 0 Max: 99,999 (For example, for a 3 lbs. 6 oz. product the Weight Major is 3) Weight Minor No Min: 0 Max: 15 (For example, for a 3 lbs. 6 oz. product the Weight Minor is 6) Length No Length of the product (used in dimensional weighting) Width No Width of the product (used in dimensional weighting) Height No Height of the product (used in dimensional weighting) Manufacturer Part Number No Max: 50 characters Manufacturer Name No Max: 150 characters Categories New Products Yes Min: 1 category. Use tildes (~) to select subcategories and semicolons (;) to separate categories. (ex. Category 1 ~ Sub category;Category2) Warehouse No Enter the name of an existing warehouse or one you would like to create and it will be assigned to this product Category Special No TRUE or FALSE (defaults to FALSE) Homepage Special No TRUE or FALSE (defaults to FALSE) Shipping Option New Products No S - Shippable, F - Elligible for free shipping, N - Shipping not required. Note: all new Gift Certificates and E-Products are set to 'N' since they cannot be shipped. Regular products are defaulted to 'S'. Tax Free No TRUE or FALSE (defaults to FALSE) Product Type No S - Standard Product, G - Gift Certificate, E - E-Product. Note: all new E-Products will import as disabled. You will need to enable them once you have uploaded an associated file. (Defaults to 'S') Related Products No Enter the name of existing product(s). The product must exist in the database currently or in your import sheet, and each product must be separated semicolon (;) (ie. Product1; Product2;) Page Layout No Enter the name of an existing page layout to use. Product URL No Should include "http://" and your domain name, followed by the Product Page Name. (For Example: Thumbnail Path No Path to an image on your site that already exists (For example, /images/product.jpg) Medium Image Path No Path to an image on your site that already exists (For example, /images/product.jpg) Large Image Path No Path to an image on your site that already exists (For example, /images/product.jpg) Meta Title No Meta Description No Meta Keywords No Sort Order No Enable No TRUE or FALSE (defaults to FALSE) Purchasable No TRUE or FALSE (defaults to TRUE) Price Message No Shipping Message No In Stock Message No Out Of Stock Message No Variations No Use tildes (~) to separate variation groups, pipes (|) to delimit group names from options and (;) to separate options. (ex Size| Large; Medium; Small; ~ Color| Red; Blue;) Attributes No Format: Name=Value with semi-colons (;) as separators. For multi-value attributes, values should be separated by comma (,). Any name or value containing any character other than letters and numbers must be quoted. Examples: "ISBN-13"=2381739274901; Color=Red, Blue, Green; (multiple values) "Bin-Location"="1289-48", 121, "Back Left"; (multiple values) Author="Smith, Jones, et all" (Single Value) Errors No This holds the errors, if any, that are returned after importing. This field is not required. but will be added to the error report if there are any errors are encountered. Delete No TRUE or FALSE (defaults to FALSE. Set to True if you would like to delete this product)