MonsterMarketplace - Decorating for Thanksgiving
It turns out that our MonsterMarketplace has some awesome ideas for Decorating for Thanksgiving and Your Thanksgiving Feast.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
MonsterCommerce is a Network Solutions company. As an application service provider, our number one priority is the success of our clients. When they succeed, we succeed.
It turns out that our MonsterMarketplace has some awesome ideas for Decorating for Thanksgiving and Your Thanksgiving Feast.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
Posted by
6:41 PM
Technorati: holidays, MonsterCommerce
Our e-commerce software can be used to sell such a wild variety of products that it sometimes boggles the mind what we see every day.
While elephant dung is a seemingly unusual source of paper pulp, it actually makes a great paper. Since an elephant’s diet is all vegetarian, the waste produced is basically raw cellulose. Thoroughly cleaned and processed, the cellulose is converted into a uniquely beautiful textured product, marketed as "Ellie Pooh Paper". This acid free, linen-like papyrus-type paper can be formed into art and construction projects, notebooks, cards and assorted gift items where the only limitation is ones imagination.
At first it sounded like a bad idea, but after reading the description and the process used to create it, it sounded intriguing to say the least. It would make a great conversation piece and it's environmentally friendly. What more could you ask for? Visit to learn more about paper made from elephant dung.
Posted by
5:12 PM
We've had some intermittent network issues across a decidedly small (but vocal) section of our clients. I'm far removed from both the problem and solution right now, so I am not qualified to comment on it. But I hear the problems are difficult to duplicate from our end, indicating that it is not for certain an issue on our server, but instead an issue with the networks connecting to our our network. Could general security malware traffic on the Internet be causing the problem? You decide. See the Tech News on ZDNet.
Regardless, we are doing everything we possibly can to address the different problems (because they are very different issues presenting the same or similar symptoms). Whatever is in our team's control to resolve we will get it done. I apologize to anyone experiencing errors or performance problems and want to reassure you that we are getting it taken care of.
Posted by
11:49 PM
Technorati: clients, customer service, security, technology