
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Five Years

I expected it to go by with little fanfare, but a long-time senior staff member here sent me an email congratulating me on my FIVE YEAR anniversary. Yes, it has been five years since I first began at MonsterCommerce. It should be pointed out that I left the company amicably and temporarily for about 6 months to pursue a job as web developer for my local school district, but it has been 5 years since my original start date. And what a long strange trip it's been.

For those few who were around at that time --especially in technical support-- the following should make you laugh, but not for the reference to Donald Trump.

Here's to the next five years! Drink up me' hearties, yo ho! Martini!

Technical Support Supervisor

The e-commerce technical support team here in Belleville is awaiting an announcement concerning an opening for a new Technical Support Supervisor. Personally, I've applied for the position and am interested in this new job role. The interviews were completed in the last two weeks so we should hear something this week. I'm not a betting man and I don't have a good view on who might be the best candidate. Humbly enough, it might not be me and I'll have no problems with the decision if I'm not chosen.

A good philosophy is that all job interviews should be approached as a learning experience, as well as practice for the NEXT job interview.

More information will be posted as it becomes available.

Update (2008/03/14): Congratulations to Dave L. who received the promotion from Senior Technical Support Representative to Technical Support Supervisor. I haven't had a chance to post an update about the announcement until tonight, but I wanted to. He's earned it. In addition to Dave, they have also hired one external new hire to fill a third supervisor position. Growth continues.